Saturday, August 18, 2012

"love's not a competition but I'm winning"

The title really has nothing to do with anything
I just couldn't think of a better one :P

This blog is going to be very short btw

Somethings happen for a reason

I love him very much
But he wants his space
I'm hoping this is for the best
And I know I have to respect how he feels
I also do really believe that this break isn't only for him
But its hard not to miss how we were
I'm just hoping he misses me too

Maybe this is like a do-over
not like i'm going to forget all that we've been through
but maybe a chance to fall in love all over again
to get back what we had
and forget all the bullshit that went on earlier

It just hard not to miss how it was

But I always have to hope for the best

"your thoughts and feelings become a reality. When you focus on the positive anything you wish to manifest will attract more good into your life"

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