Thursday, January 6, 2011

we sure are cute for two ugly people

I honestly can say I’ve never felt this way before
I feel like when he calls me baby or says really sweet things to me
My heart turns into a pile of sand
I get so mushy for him
He’s so amazing
It’s kind of weird to think that him and I are together though
I mean he was my best friend for a while
And now him and I are dating
He’s so sweet
And he’s pretty good looking
Even though he thinks he’s ugly
I don’t really care
Because I know what I know
And well…
“We sure are cute for two ugly people”
I love that song lyric
It describes us so well xD
Yesterday he told me that I had his heart from when we became best friends
In a way… I think he had mines too
I don’t really know if I love him like romantically
Because I’m not totally cool with saying that I love people like that anymore
But I definitely have a strong connection with him
I often get all smiley and warm-hearted when I talk to him or about him
He just seems to have a hold on me
It’s pretty gnarly to have this feeling
I feel like a little girl or something
Like I said, it’s gnarly
-sigh- lol
I don’t really know what to say now…
Uuuhmm… my favorite things in the world are tacos, cupcakes, pudding, blankets, dinosaurs, kittens, the smell of mint/menthol, and other things lol
Yaaah… random
Mkay BYE!

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