Sunday, January 16, 2011

I Won't Say I'm In Love

The reason why I don’t let myself love

There are many reasons
Mostly because I find love absolutely horrideous
And I think that its so stupid
I’ve seemed to fall in love with a lot of people who never seemed to love me back
Yes holding hands and kissing and maybe even having sex seems like true affection
But really its just a way to feel accepted and get some sort of love that fills an emptiness in your soul
I know that I’ve loved people before
But every time I fall in love
I get torn apart

I fell in love with a boy once
I was in 7th grade,
And I felt like he was the most perfect guy in the world
But to my surprise he was hiding things from me
I should have seen it coming, especially to the fact that people were saying that he was cheating on me behind my back
But me being so “in love”, I didn’t listen
I loved the affection and I felt like we were so in love that I couldn’t believe what they said
I should have known though, he was acting different…
But guess when I did find out that he was…
My 13th birthday…great birthday present, right?
We obviously broke up that night
And it absolutely tore me apart.
I cried for so many months.
And I guess to feed his ego, I got over him probably mid 8th grade

Another boy I truly fell in love with,
He was the quarterback of the football team
And he was such a piece of heaven
Him and I only went out for a couple months
But I knew he was so special
His only issue was that he cared too much about what others thought
And didn’t ever want to talk to me about his feelings…
And that’s pretty much the reason why we broke up
The first time we broke up, I broke up with him because I needed something different
After I realized I was a total idiot, I pretty much begged for him back.
It wasn’t exactly the same after that, and I knew it wasn’t going to be
After a while I thought our romance was blossoming
But boy, was I wrong
Apparently he was letting other people run his life…mostly meaning our relationship
And because everyone said he was “so whipped on me” and whatever else
And because he was jealous that I have a lot of guy friends and that I let them pick me up and shitt like that
He dumped me…
I was completely heart broken.
When he broke up with me I cried really hard
I couldn’t cry in front of him
So I ran off to the bathroom and locked myself in a stall
Thank god I have really good friends
Because Violet and Erica climbed under the stall to come talk to me
And by the way, if you guys are reading this, I love you guys a lot for being there for me.
Honestly, I have no idea when I’m going to get over that guy…
I hate him, but at the same time I hope he gets better and learns to not give a fuck

And falling in love became more difficult when it came to falling in love with a female
She wasn’t like anyone I had ever met
And she seemed to have this quiet mystery to her, which as most people know, I am a total sucker for
Her and I had so much in common
And its weird to even think that we’re not together now
I don’t know, I guess…well actually I know, I did a lot of wrong in that relationship
I mean, I’m not going to lie but commitment kind of scared me
It mostly scares me when people tell me they want to marry me
Because I hate marriage and the fact that they’re thinking that far ahead…its kind of scary
And yes in a way it makes me blush because it makes me think that I’m that important…but still
Anyways, her and I really had our entire lives planned out
And I thought our breakup was only going to be temporary
But I'm pretty sure now it’s permanent
I can’t say I’m sad, but nor can I say I’m happy about it
Especially knowing that our whole thing was a lie
I didn’t even know that you were lying to me the whole time
But I guess in a way I did too
But I know that I did love you…
I think it definitely tainted something that could have been a wonderful friendship
Often times it’s hard to look at her
And often times it’s hard for me to talk to her
But I’m getting there… baby steps

This one I don’t understand at all…
I apparently fell in love with someone I didn’t even know
And in doing so, I lost a best friend…
That’s the thing I regret most, just losing him as a friend
He was a great kid and I don’t really know what came over me
To be honest, when I first met him I was like, alright this kid is cute but I don’t want him like that
Then I don’t really know, him and I started to hang out more and he became more than just a friend
I can honestly say I was an idiot for loving you
I think we understood each other, that’s what drew me to you
And the fact that I knew I couldn’t have you, I think that also made me want you more
Sometimes I think about you, and it’s not in a loving way
But neither is it so much in a hateful way
I do regret trying so hard to be with you
Because honestly I think it was a waste of my time
Because I know how we would have ended up
I know I just would have been another girl
But I do regret not having you as a friend
And I regret trying to, I guess…protect you?
I don’t know.
I really wish I just kept my mouth shut
I just regret not being your friend anymore
I honestly just hope your okay

I’ve honestly had a fucked up life
And sometimes its hard for me to think of what love is
And what it can be for me
I think I have a curse against me
And the girl that I loved knows what I’m talking about
I think I have this curse that draws in people
Just so I can hurt them
And I don’t want that
I can’t be that person
So I just don’t love that way anymore
And I probably won’t ever
Ever again…

Well that was emo
But I don’t know if I ever will love again
I’m mostly just sick of loving…
I guess we’ll just see
See how many heartbreaks it takes to find my knight in shinning armor

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