Monday, January 31, 2011

Little bit of this, a little bit of that

There are so many different things that people look for in love
There’s the matter of lust, love, true romance, intimacy, chivalry…and much more

All I really want is someone who can sweep me off my feet
Someone who accepts me for who I am
Someone who thinks that I’m funny
Someone who doesn’t care about my accent
Someone who cares about my hope, dreams, and admirations
Someone who thinks I’m always pretty
Someone who can love me for just the way I am

I want someone to cuddle with
Someone to kiss
Someone to have them hold me heart
Even though it’s quite shattered
Someone who can understand space
Someone who is there for me to talk to

Its weird to think that all we long for is perfection…
When it doesn’t really exist
We long for something that isn’t really there

I’m not saying I don’t wish for perfection
I just want someone who is at least equipped with most of it

I mostly want someone who understand emotions…
Someone who is okay with talking
And also someone who is comfortable with the silence
Because I love just holding hands and enjoying each others warmth

I’m not saying I’m looking for someone to fall in love with
Just someone who can show me they care…
And maybe later fall in love

I mostly enjoy the presence, and the way people’s mind-sets are
And if I can fall in love with the way you think, then I can fall in love with you
Honesty is the most important thing to me
So please…let me trust you

{kinda crappy blog^}

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