For guys to read to know how to treat a girl
I mean just sometimes…
I don’t really know what flows through boys’ brains
But they just seriously don’t understand
So I’m going to break it down…
1) Girls are tough, but usually not with their boyfriends. They try to be cute and sensitive. We seem to let our walls down a bit with you. So if you kind of wrestle around with us with no warning and we get hurt… you’re fucked. We are going to get mad at you if you hurt is…obviously.
2) As badass as a girl may seem. We all often like the same little couple-y things that most people do. We like randomly getting flowers or notes in our lockers. We like having you come see us randomly just to kiss us and give us a warm hug. We like it when you kiss us at random moments. We like it when you chase our hands because you want to hold it.
3) If we get mad at you, don’t just fucking sit there and let us sizzle in our madness. Especially if the girl is like me, I always walk away because I don’t want to say or do something stupid, we want you to chase us. We want you to run up to us, grab our hand and tell us “I’m Sorry”. Then most girls like it if you wrap your arm around they back and pull them in to kiss. But often the girl just wants the “I’m Sorry”.
4) KISSING! This seems to be the most important thing in a relationship, rite? Well… I guess mostly. But anyways, all girls like a man with clean teeth and nice smelling breath. Like, I’m a neat freak, I have mini-toothbrushes in my backpack because I hate it when my teeth change colours because of something I ate, I also keep mints/gum. So hygiene is always sexy.
5) BOYS! I understand that you guys usually mature at a very snail pace, but seriously… you have to learn that girls are, more than likely, more mature and we expect you to be mature at times.
6) ROMANCING! There seems to be a bit of confusion on what that is apparently. Like when your making out with your girl, the best thing to do when you pull away is not to laugh or say something stupid, like some people I know do, but tell her that she’s beautiful or that you are so lucky to have or something just cute that will make her blush and kiss you even more. THAT’S HOW YOU DO IT! xD some boys just really don’t know that.
7) Boys, I’m going to get one thing clear. You may tell a girl a thousand times that she is beautiful even without makeup, but SHE WILL NOT LISTEN TO YOU. Believe me, I am stubborn as fuck, and I love my makeup. Soooo, good luck trying to tell me I’m perfect. I’m pretty sure any other girl will second me on that notion.
8) BRINGING HER STUFF! Every girl likes it. As much as we tell you we don’t want you to buy us stuff, or make us stuff, or what not… we do lol. Us girls are big fat liars. It makes us feel really special and we especially love that it’s from you. And don’t do what one of my exs did…don’t ask the girl if she wants the thing you are getting her…it ruins the whole surprise factor.
9) SNUGGLING! Some times it really fun for us to just snuggle in the total silence. I know its hard to stay quiet sometimes, but often if we’re being really quiet and zoning out, its because we just want to snuggle in the silence and bask in your energy and company.
10) Last but definitely not least, DON’T TALK ABOUT OTHER GIRLS INFRONT OF YOUR GIRL! In general, don’t say some girl is hot, don’t talk about some girl that randomly thinks your hott, don’t talk about that your new best friend is a girl, just don’t talk about girls UNLESS they are famous because often that won’t bother us. I don’t really know about other girls, but I am very territorial, so if I feel threatened… I am going to be madly pissed.
This is kind of a fact that is insanely obvious, but I thought I would just jot it down at a reference just incase… girls love it when you say how much you missed them and how beautiful they are and crap like that (xD I like how I called it crap xDD) but yeah anyways… we love all that gushy, mushy stuff
But yeah… those were my tips and tricks for guys.
I know sometimes it hard to read a girl, but I am one of the most complex girls you will ever meet…no lie, ask anyone who knows me… so if you need help, just come to me.
:DD hope this helps
- <3 Kat
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