Saturday, January 1, 2011

My New Yrs Resolution:

well this is what I'm thinking...

get that special guy to be mines, get RELLE good grades (i mostly want As and Bs but sum Cs are fine), to NOT Give A Fuck about what anyone says (although i already do that xD), try to stop an addiction i have (not going to say what it is), be more of a participator in school, to capture my dream and push forward into what i want, and above of all LOVE MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY WITH ALL MY HEART!!! but ove course, i already do that :DD

i think 2010 was definitely a weird and wild ride for me. i went thru alot of emotional things that made me stronger and i went through alot of changes and finding out who i really am and who i truly wanna be

2010 was an amazing ride. i learned so much about ppl, relationships, dreams, friendships, and enemies
i dont regret anything that i've ever done becuz i believe that i am a much stronger person and i love who i am
i love all the friends i have now and all the ppl i have had the pleasure to work with
i kno ive made a couple enemies too, but i definitely dont regret anything ive done
ikno ive made plenty of mistakes and looking bak i kno that i did and still have alot of problems
but i think this year i am going to learn to deal with things bettr and i am just so happy that i have my friends and family by my side
and i especially wanna thank my fans becuz you guys are so sweet and yu guys make my day everyday
thank all of you so much
i love all of yu guys with all my heart of hearts
and i hope your 2011 is spectacular
and remember to nevr think that the sky is the limit... becuz its only the beginning

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