Sunday, November 21, 2010

To ______; From Alex

You’re probably never going to read this
I guess I’m only typing this for therapeutic reasons
Its very interesting to think that it was supposed to be our 1 yr anniversary
A couple days ago that is
This might be the last blog I ever write for you
Well more about you than anything else

I’ve missed a lot of school, as you know
And I act a certain way around you because I don’t want to seem like I miss you
I know that I try to act all tough
But I really am weak without you
This isn’t a blog to tell you to come back to me
Its just a way for me to get my feelings out
Without having to write in my god-awful diary
Sometimes its easier to type it all out
While listening to music that kind of makes you want to tear up
You know how I am…

That’s another thing
It seems to have gotten worse each day
The guy that I’ve been trying to see is kind of making me feel better
But I still know I am going to shoot right back once I see you on Monday
It seems bloody ridiculous to cry over something that has ending because of my doing
I mean… I think we both knew this day would come
We should have prayed that it wouldn’t

It seems like me and you lie about a lot of things to each other
To your face I’d tell you that I missed the 17th because of me being sick
But if you reached into my cold heart you would know it was a lie
The 17th would have been our one year
Kind of makes me tear up to hear it, well type it

I guess even after all that is said and done, I will never really…
Stop loving you
In any sort of way
I will always need you
Oh god…I’m beginning to cry now

I remember you used to tell me that people who shun away their feeling are the weak ones
But I always feel weak when I cry
Especially about you
Mostly because I know that I was the wicked one in our relationship
I know that I was the one who started the fights
And if I didn’t start them I made then accelerate
I never meant to be like that to you

I told you love is a curse for me
I don’t really think I am allowed to love anyone truly

There is so much that I never really pour out to anyone
I don’t like making plans about the future with people because I know they will be ruined
I don’t like holding hands in public because I feel like everyone is staring
I actually don’t like being alone…ever
And I especially hate crying and talking about my feelings
And when I do talk about them
I usually spit lies because I don’t know how to express myself

It’s pretty hard living without you now
But I’m trying to be strong
For the both of us

I don’t like it…
But I know we need this time apart
And if we do get back together
We need not think about our past

I don’t really want to say this
I love you, with all my heart
And I wouldn’t be crying like a baby if I was lying
I do love you
I’m pretty sure I always have
And I know I always will

I’m just sorry that I’ve cause you so much pain
And that I am wicked…
I love you
And I hope you never forget me

All my love, always and forever
- “Kat”

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