Thursday, November 18, 2010


So…. on Saturday I have a smoking hott “date” with this guy I met at the mall
To be honest, I’m pretty nervous
Me and him really connect over text messages
But what if we don’t connect in person?
He's practically my dream guy
I mean the only things he’s really missing are
Blue eyes, snakebites, and black hair
But I’ve seen the shape of his eyes
Which are perfect enough
And he still has that emo hair
Which is always amazingly sexy
And he has the most beautiful body ever
Its kind of like if Taylor Lautner went emo hahahaa
And thank god he’s taller than me
Because from a distance he seemed pretty short
Lets hope he didn’t lie about his height 

I’m pretty scared though

Like what if I’m not what he expected
What if he doesn’t like curvy girls?
I mean I think he would have seen that when we were at the mall
But still…

I don’t really know
He just makes me so frightened

I really don’t know what to wear either
I mean I want to show him a little philanthropy
But not enough to go to Club Skank

RAWR! I’m just freaking out
I hope he does like me
Because if not then I’m really just going to give up
All together
I mean no one really seems to like me
It kind of sucks…
Okay that an understatement
It REALLY sucks

I guess there really isn’t any more room for a “scene girl” like me anymore…

Well all of you whom are reading this
I hope you are wishing me luck
Because I sure as hell need it


Reading over all of this I kind of wonder
What do I have to offer him?
I mean…he’s perfect
But what am I?
I’m just some ugly Brit who traveled to America to fit in..
Just some emo girl who hangs around people who don’t really care
That she talks funny and sometimes can’t find the words to say
Oh boy… now I am really nervous
Why does he have to be so bloody sexy?!

Well I guess we have to just wish for the best…

I’ll keep you guys posted…
Until my next blog

<3 Kat

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