Friday, January 24, 2014

To be honest...

My boyfriend brought a lot of things to my attention and i realized... I am really really depressed and I dont know what to do about it. I feel like i can't talk to anyone because I dont feel like they care or they'll tell me something I dont want to hear or that i'll be bumming them out or something. I'm just really afraid to be open with anyone and to actually confide in people. I'm never too sure how to talk to people anymore, which is really sad because I used to be really happy and pretty open with people. I didnt lie as much as i do now, and i felt like i had people to really confide in and now I lost them. 
I've been realizing more and more that I really miss high school and that I wish i could do it over again so I could do better and be more appreciative of the time i spent there and people i spent it with. 
I just feel really lost and alone and I'm not really sure what to do about it.
I just feel really depressed and I dont feel like i'm ever going to be happy again.
I just feel like i'm going to keep spiraling down into depression and continue to mistreat myself and the people around me.
I don't know where to go for help
I don't know what to say or what to do anymore.

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