Thursday, January 23, 2014

Lol ooooh bitch, i'm not as stupid as you think

You must think i'm really dumb
You think that i dont know?
You can yell at me all you want about me doin this and me doin that
But you are doing the exact same thing and probably even worse
You just think you are better at hiding it, but you arent
I know that you think you are clever, but you're not. I know you think you are smarter than me but you're not.

Now it all makes sense as to why you keep taking me back or keep chasing me... Because you know you are wrong, obviously, but you are just too damn stupid to really and actually change anything.
God i wish i could be as ignorant as you, thinkin i'm always right and such bullshit.
But i cant because unlike you, I actually have a conscience. 

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