Thursday, November 14, 2013

The truth

No one really cares if i am dead or alive
So i really dunno why i am keeping myself alive
I am a shitty makeup artist
I have no friends
And the friends i "do have" have way better friends that will fulfill the "whole" i would leave in them
I know that my boyfriend doesn't care because i can tell he feels better without me
I'm not skinny, i'm not pretty... I add nothing to this earth. I am seriously just a huge waste of space
I seriously should just kill myself.
I think I will... After thanksgiving.. 'Cause i've been looking forward to a home-cooked turkey dinner for like ever
After that... Whats the point
I'm ugly, i'm useless, i'm stupid and no one cares
If you do "care" don't bother trying to stop me. I've made up my mind

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