Thursday, November 7, 2013

i cant think of a title

i dont get how caring is such a fucking crime
i think you not caring is a crime
all i want is for you to be fucking happy
and i feel like the only thing that makes you happy is my fucking misery
all i want is for you to share things with me
and actually be happy with me and its so unfuckingfair the way you treat me
you treated the biggest whore in the world like a fucking princess
but me who geniunely cares about you, you can not fucking spare a goddamn fucking moment for me and i fucking hate it
you wonder why i fucking cry and bitch and moan all the time where there you go
this is why
you hate me
and ya know what, sometimes i think i hate you too

you constantly hurt my feelings and i am sick of it

if change does not happen soon then i am just going to leave
because i am sick of this
i'm sick of not being heard
i'm sick of being blown off
and i am sick of being your rag doll that you play with when you need me

that is not me
i am sick of being treated that way

so either love me and show that to me
or don't and leave

because i am tired of crying, i am tired of hurting, and i am just tired in general.

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