Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sorry for Staring

I can't really help my feelings for you
I always think about you
I dream about you... not to sound creepy

I just wanted to know...
Why did you stare back on friday?
I looked at you for awhile just to see your face
Then you looked at me
I turned away... then turned back to see if you were still looking
And you were... Why?

I still wonder what I did wrong
We were so in love
And now... what are we?
Friends? I wish we were more
Well of course I do
You were great
And you meant the world to me
You still do

I just miss you a lot
I don't mean to stare
I just wish we weren't walking on eggshells with each other

I'm not asking for us to jump in to a relationship with each other
I'm just asking for a friendship, if thats all you can give me
I know school is hard for us to be with each other because of how rumors spread
I kind of want to be able to hang out with you
Maybe outside of school
We could go bowling, like you said...
Just as friends
If thats what you want

I hope you are reading this and not getting too upset
I've always wanted to still be apart of you life
In any way
I just want you to know that much
Again, I hope you are reading this and not getting too upset

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