Monday, October 25, 2010

My Perfect Man?

Well I mean if I was really forced to describe my perfect man
I would probably say…

Tall (at least taller than me… maybe 5’10 or taller), but not scary beasts

Dark “flippy” hair

Pale-ish skin (sorry to all you dark guys xD)

Skinny jeans or at least no super baggy “gangsta” jeans

I like when guys wear black
I don’t really know why
I guess that colour really turns me on ;) ;) LOL

I really like guys who are tough, so they can protect mee :D
Because I’m really tiny and I slap people and that’s it… can’t really punch hard xD

I also really like guys with really white teeth
And guys that really take care of themselves
Not like self-obsessed guys
But guys that like take time to brush their hair and their teeth
And dental hygiene is SUPER important to me
So you better be using mouthwash, gum, toothbrush, a tongue scrubber…
Whatever to make your breath awesome

I really like snuggling and just talking sometimes
So I need a guy who is sensitive and is okay with just talking about random stuff

But don’t worry, I do like kissing and maybe going farther ;) ;)
BUT! We have to date for a while to actually get farther than kissing
It takes me awhile to trust people
So I really hope you can handle that much

I also love to play around
I LOVE acting like a little kid sometimes
Like going to the beach or to the park and just running around

Alright well… I think I’ve described my “perfect” man enough
In reality though, there is no such thing as perfect
But sometimes you find something real close
Which I think I already have :D
You know who you are… hopefully 

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