Friday, August 16, 2013

A little appreciation

I do a lot of things for him and i'm not saying he doesn't do anything ever for me, but i do a lot of things for him. 
He basically just sits on his ass all day and just clicks on things and calls that work... 
He undermines everything that i do as if i am barely human, as if everything that i know... Everything that i feel is meaningless, worthless, and useless.
I hate it. I hate is so much.
He pushes me farther and farther away from what i believed between us was love. 
I just want to be completely appreciated by him.
Once when he was drunk he told me that he doesn't deserve me... And he's right. He is absolutely right and i know that deep down he knows it too. He was speaking the truth when he was wasted but he will never admit it to me now.

I just want him to stop pushing me around. I am not below him... If anything, for all the shit he puts me through... I am way above him.
People constantly tell me that i deserve better and i believe them... But he has a hold on me.
Sometimes... Love truly sucks.

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