Saturday, July 20, 2013

That Ex that always texts

I talked to a vast majority of my exs through text message and try to hang out with them as much as i can.
But... When an ex texts your at 12am or later... I feel like thats fishy.
I text my ex that late if i'm depressed or crying or need to get out of somewhere but i would not trust one just texting for no reason.
I know i shpuldn't care and i shouldn't be jealous but i can't help it.
I have to just continue to tell myself that if someone would do that to me then they're the idiot, not me. 
I just pray that everything thats going on is harmless... Because i would hate for my bad feeling about this to be right.
I think the worst part about whats going on is that she texted him in the middle of us being intimate... Which totally threw me off.
And then later he is like guarding his phone by taking it into the bathroom with him and every where else.
I'm just hoping my fear isn't or doesnt become a reality... I'm not ready for that.

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