Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Being Single

It’s actually not that bad
I mean for a while I thought it was the worse thing in the whole wide world
But in reality its kind of fun
Yes I do have crushes on people
Even though most of them I know I wont actually be with
It’s okay though
I mean I still have great friends that I love with all my heart
And I’m still going to a good school
The school is only good because of my friends though lol

There are some guys that I do have a crush on though
I do have a crush on one of my exs
I have a crush on two of my best friends {btw if you go to my school, you don’t know them}
And I still have a crush on this guy who I know is a total jerk
But I can’t help but to like him still

It’s not that terrible though
I mean, I think having crushes keeps your heart pumping
But it’s still kind of sucks to think that they probably don’t like you back
But it’s okay.
My dreams keep me alive and well

It’s weird though.
I’m actually kind of happier now that I’m single
I mean, yes, I do still think about her
And I still miss her sometimes
I still have a hard time listening to some songs because of her
But in reality, I think I’m going to be okay
I’m not saying like is better without her
But I’m just really hoping that I’m going to be okay

I’m mostly happy with my friends that I have right now
Like Violet, Erica, Angele, Jason, Erik, Andrea, Danii, Chris, Robbie…and I don’t really know who else I missed
I’m pretty sure I didn’t miss anyone
Lol if I did I’d be a terrible friend then hahaha
But I love my friends a lot
And they mean more to me than anything else in the world
So I’m happy with my life right now

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