Sunday, October 12, 2014

This heart is yours so take it as you please, but if you walk away remember I need that heart to breathe.

I have been told that I am not good at letting go. I don't trust people as much as I should.
I can love someone without trusting them.
I even distrust people who haven't done anything wrong to me.

My best friend told me to let go and let myself love and be loved.
I think I am finally ready for that.

As much pain and as many problems I may have in my day to day life, I get to come home and whine to someone who has never listened with closed ears.

I get to be as weird as I want to be.
I get to sing loud and proud and watch him smile as I make a fool of myself.
I get to be kissed when I need it most, and when I least expect it.
I get to have strong arms wrap around me that make me feel like nothing can hurt me.
I get to finish his sentences and have him finish mine.
I get to watch him dream, and feel him dream with me while he squeezes my hand.
I get to be myself... all of myself.

Trust is something I don't give to people lightly. I am a pretty damaged, but I'm willing to be vulnerable with someone who I feel deserves it.

I will let go and believe in what I feel. I don't need these walls anymore.

This is a big deal to me, so I hope my heart is right about this :P

"I am so in love with you I just thought that you should know."

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