Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Prince? or Frog?

I seriously have no idea who to believe
I mean in a way I want to believe the guy I have never met
But also I want to believe the incessant asshole

I honestly have no idea who to believe
I think I shouldn’t fully trust either
And just be cautious for the future

This honestly is not the first time I’ve been hurt
It’s probably the 7,890,475,837,539,789,645th time
Hahaa seems like a lot doesn’t it?
And you’d think I’d be use to it by now
But I’m never going to be used to it

Either way… if the rumor is true or not
I think the guy I never met should try hard to earn my trust
I was telling my best friends,
“He better fucking send me roses twice a week for a month before he even thinks I’m going to trust him again” lol
Hey…I’m a sucker for roses

I still find it hilarious that the rumor was that I was in love with him
Uuuhm…lets recap
I mean yes…I say I’m in love with Dahvie Vanity and Vic Fuentes
But that’s creepy super-fan stuff lol
I don’t do that with normal people
I know how to stand on my two feet
So I don’t really need someone telling me what my feelings are
Because I know what’s truly inside me

Its kind of hard to really depict what I feel inside towards this situation
But I’m going to kind of stop trying so hard
Because I don’t really know who to trust
And he’s got to figure out what he really wants to do
And what he really wants before he can get me all caught up in it
And he better find a good fucking way to apologize haha
Or at least be like “I don’t know why people are lying but here’s something to make it up to you…”
Lol, you know what I’m saying?

All I'm saying is that I like you
But the trust isn't fully there anymore

I’m just really sick of getting fucked over
It would be really great if I could find something and someone legit

But I guess you’re just going to have to prove it to me…
Prove to me who and what you truly are

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