Sunday, December 1, 2013

Its such bullshit

How do you expect someone to be so cool when you are being a complete asshole?
You arent doing anything important and yet me asking you to do something small that takes a few seconds maybe minutes is like me asking you to fucking write me a 600 word essay on like some super secret thing that is difficult to find...
How do you expect me not to get mad?
You acting like a complete fucking dickhead will make me fucking upset so dont fucking act like i have no fucking right to be fucking upset.
So fuck you, fatass

Sports vs sex

Its so amazing to me how a fucking stupid ass sport is more important to this motherfucker than his own girlfriend...
Who he's not gonna see for a whole week next week and said that he wanted his girlfriend to stay over until he left
Hmm... Interesting

Its so fucking stupid. If men are so in love with sports than why don't they just date sports because if i was watching somethn and would only miss like 2-4 minutes of it to go pick up someone that i supposedly love, then i would be like "ohkay lemme go get (said person)" 

Thats fucked up
Boys are so stupid